What would you like to know?
Here are a few questions that are often asked about Bio-Fresh enzymatic cleaning products. If you still can’t find an answer to your question, email us and one of our enzyme techs will get back to you.
How does it work?
Bio-Fresh products are bio-enzymatic cleaners that contain non-pathogenic microbes. These good microbes produce enzymes that break down soiling, so it can be consumed by the microbes or washed away. While conditions are wet and there is soiling present, the microbes continue to multiply and produce enzymes.
Once the soiling has been consumed, the microbes naturally die off and are flushed through the plumbing system.
Once the soiling has been consumed, the microbes naturally die off and are flushed through the plumbing system.
What is organic matter?
Organic matter (soiling) are compounds that have come from the remains of organisms such as plants and animals and their waste products in the environment. Such as blood, grass, sweat, urine, and other biological materials.
How do I use Bio-Fresh products?
Remember that enzymes are biological molecules and that they work in a different way comparted to other cleaning products. After application, it can take from several hours to a few days for the enzymes to finish their work. Enzymes can be damaged by extreme conditions, for example being exposed to heat. When diluting Bio-Fresh products, use warm (not hot) water and don’t mix them with soap or other cleaners. When used correctly, though, enzyme cleaners are a safe, effective alternative to traditional cleaning products.
Where can Bio-Fresh products be used?
Bio-Fresh bio-enzymatic cleaners can work well for many cleaning applications in your facility. However, the most it’s important step before you start is to select the appropriate product for the type of soil you are cleaning. Bio-Fresh product formulations are excellent for carpet cleaning, degreasing, drain maintenance, general surface cleaning, restroom cleaning and odour elimination.
What about using Bio-Fresh products in food plant and the risk of it affecting swabs?
Bio-Fresh products are designed to rid areas of typical plate count problems; floor and other wider environmental areas are not likely to have swabs/plate count results compromised. All MPI facility-based operators should rinse prior to swabbing.
Are Bio-Fresh products ok with septic tanks?
Yes, they’re great for septic tanks! In systems connected to a sceptic tank the bio-enzymes boost microbe levels and keep sceptic systems free of odours and working at optimum levels.
Define 'natural'
Natural means containing natural ingredients and avoiding any ingredients with suspected human health risks. Bio-Fresh products use biodegradable ingredients along with environmentally sustainable packaging. Bio-Fresh products are currently going through the rigorous ECNZ certification process